
The inaugural night of my solo exhibition.

Windows of Colour & Light Exhibition
Paint brushes

The choice of my material I use

Using materials and products in my paintings, as well as your decision to make my canvas, can have significant implications for the outcome of my artwork
After Fishing at the jetty

Choice in my subjects, Mediterranean scenes.

My choice in subjects, specifically painting Mediterranean scenes, are influenced by several factors: Aesthetic Appeal, Cultural and historical significance and Personal connection and experience.

Where I Come From

My journey as an artist began, as with so many children, with a love of drawing. In fact, all kinds of manual and construction activities attracted me as a child. My parents, recognizing my natural artistic flair, sent me to a fine arts school for several years until I was about seventeen. The experience was pure joy. I loved it all, and I remember especially the smells of the art studio, a mixture of paint, clay and turpentine.
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